If you’re running out of ideas on what to put in that bare corner of your room that is becoming a bit of an eyesore. Why not add a stylish Floor lamp?

Floor lamps these days are considered more as a piece of furniture, rather than a practical lighting fixture.  With so many different styles and designs available, Floor Lamps can add a splash of colour to a room, or simply create a harmonious flow of soft colour tones.

The first rule of buying a Floor Lamp is you must decide what type of light you need. Will you be using this Lamp for task purposes or is it going to be used more for mood lighting?

The second rule of buying a Floor Lamp is that it needs to look just as fabulous off, as it does when it is tuned on. It is not practical to always have a Floor lamp tuned on, so we need to love our Lamp even when we don’t need its beautiful light.

The third and final rule of buying a Floor Lamp is size. How big is the space that your Floor Lamp will be living in? Does the space require a long slim sleek design, or would a large woven cane Floor Lamp be more suitable?

These are all things that will help you find the perfect Floor Lamp!